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Academic Journal of Social Innovation and Learning
Publication Ethics
Publication Ethics Academic Journal of Social Innovation and Learning
Academic Journal of Social Innovation and Learning It is a journal that focuses on publishing quality articles.
academically correct and comply with ethical standards for publishing articles in accordance with the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) requirements.
The editorial office therefore sets the ethics of publication. as follows:
The roles and duties of the authors (Duties of Authors)
1. The author must certify that the article submitted for publication must be a work that has never been published or published anywhere else, or is not under consideration for publication in other journals.
2. Authors must report factual information arising from actual research or finding from reliable sources. and responsible for research results, conclusions and opinions In the article published
3. The author must not copy the work of others. Must cite the work of others. When the author uses the work in his own article and must provide a complete and accurate reference list at the end of the article
4. The author must check the plagiarism of others' works (Plagiarism) by using a reliable program. along with presenting evidence to the editorial office to propose to publish an article
5. Authors must submit articles to be published according to the article format specified by the journal. Otherwise, the editors will not be considered for that article.
6. The author whose name appears in the article submitted for consideration. Must be a participant in the actual article.
7. If it's a funded article The author should state the source of funding in the article. or must clearly state conflicts of interest (if any).
8. If the author's article is related to humans and laboratory animals or volunteer The author must operate strictly according to human ethics. and should include a certificate from the research ethics committee.
Roles and Duties of Duties of Reviewers
1. The article evaluator must not disclose the information of the article being considered to anyone unrelated during the article evaluation.
2. Article evaluators must not have conflicts of interest with the authors.
3. Article evaluators must evaluate articles in their field/topic of their expertise. and assessed according to the process without prejudice and personal opinions as criteria for evaluation
4. Article evaluators must consider articles with regard to the quality and accuracy of the content. Quality of Data Analysis and Discussion including the appropriateness of the article and the journal
5. If the author does not mention important works that are relevant and consistent with the article being evaluated The evaluator must specify additionally in the evaluation of the article for the benefit of the revision and quality of the article.
6. If the article has similarities, redundancy or plagiarism of other works The assessor must notify the journal editor immediately.
7. The appraiser must evaluate the work within the time period specified by the editors.
Roles and Duties of Journal Editors (Duties of Editors)
1. Journal editors are responsible for considering the quality and format of the articles according to the objectives and scope of the journal. without prejudice to the article and the author
2. Journal editors must not disclose author and evaluator information to unrelated persons during the article evaluation period.
3. Journal editors must consider, screen and select articles to be published in the journal after they have been evaluated. The editor of the journal must not modify or change the content of the article. or the results of the quality assessment of the articles from the assessors
4. Journal editors must not publish articles previously published elsewhere. and must check the article using reliable program If any similarities, duplications, or plagiarism are found in other works, the editor must stop the evaluation process. and contact the main author immediately to request clarifications to support the journal editor's decision whether to accept the publication or not
5. Journal editors must not have conflicts of interest with the authors. article evaluator and other people related
6. Journal editors must maintain standards. and develop journals to be of high quality and always up-to-date